
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.


Splash Page

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet salami ham hock ham, hamburger corned beef short ribs kielbasa biltong t-bone drumstick tri-tip tail sirloin pork chop.


Apply to our internships (2024)

1 minute read

We are looking for two or three candidates for an internship, in order to complete our robocup team. Main goal: Enhance our custom robot PALbator with new ...

Apply to our internships

1 minute read

We are looking for two or three candidates for an internship, in order to complete our robocup team. Main goal: Enhance our robot OPL (PALbator) and SSPL (P...

The “baby cup” case

2 minute read

9 cm: this is the height of the laser scan of the lidar on our Open Plateform Palbator. 6 cm: this is the height of a cup of tea. Once this has been said, ...

Welcome to our robot’s home!

1 minute read

The difficulty of service robotics is related to the environment: robots operate in a changing and complex environment and have to interact with it and its o...