Medias 2024
We are looking for two interns, in order to complete our robocup team !
PALO IT, a new partner for LyonTech Team !
We are opening an intern position within the team on the themes of Robot Navigation & Mapping !
We are looking for two or three candidates for an internship, in order to complete our robocup team. Main goal: Enhance our robot OPL (PALbator) and SSPL (P...
9 cm: this is the height of the laser scan of the lidar on our Open Plateform Palbator. 6 cm: this is the height of a cup of tea. Once this has been said, ...
The difficulty of service robotics is related to the environment: robots operate in a changing and complex environment and have to interact with it and its o...
We are looking for two or three candidates for an internship, in order to complete our robocup team. Main goal: Enhance our custom robot PALbator with new ...
Une fois de plus l’équipe LyonTech a participé à la Robocup et ajoute à son palmarès des résultats très honorables. Ce n’était pourtant pas gagné d’avance ! ...
We are very pleased to annonce our results at the Robocup 2021 in the @home major league:
ROS World Management
Because of the Covid health context, we don’t have access to the Lab and the real robots, so we moved to a Gazebo simulation of our Open Plateform Robot.
Such a successful week of competition for the LyonTech Team at the RoboCup in Sydney (July 2019). LyonTech is ranked 3rd at the robocup@home SSPL
Très bonne semaine de compétition pour l’équipe LyonTech à la RoboCup 2019 de Sydney. Elle se hisse à la troisième place de la robocup@home SSPL.
Le papier soumis et accepté au RoboCup Symposium sur le thème d’un framework logiciel pour la gestion des personnes à partir d’une simple caméra, a obtenu le...
L’équipe LyonTech conserve sa troisième place à l’issu des épreuves du Stage 2 Félicitations à toute l’équipe pour le travail réalisé.
L’équipe RoboCup LyonTech passe la phase d’homologation/inspection de la compétition robocup@home de l’édition 2019 de la RoboCup.